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About MATT

When I joined the speech and debate team in high school, my initial goal was to exempt the final exam. Then I realized I was actually really good at it. The research. The preparation of arguments and counter arguments. Skills that led me to Michigan State, where I discovered my next passion: power lifting. I quickly learned that the discipline involved in weightlifting and taking care of my body carried into every other aspect of my life, including my job.

Now, those two seemingly unconnected backgrounds combine to benefit the financial professionals I work with every day. My disciplined routine helps me not only be competitive in power lifting, but it also ensures that I’m at the top of my game every day for you and your clients. And since overcoming objections is pretty standard in life insurance sales, I can coach you through that as well.

Early in my career, I had the opportunity to be present when a death claim was delivered to a widow and witnessed the impact firsthand. At the end of the day, I truly believe that what you and I do daily makes a difference in people’s lives. Because of that, you will always get the best of me, every day.

When I’m not helping my financial professionals succeed, you can find me spending time with my wife, Taylor, in and around Waterford, Michigan. When we’re not working out, we love spending time on our lake. If you’re ever in the area, let me know and we can take a ride on the boat, or you can join me for a workout (if you’re willing to get up at 4:00 AM).

CTC240109-0826 | This material is designed for insurance licensed financial professionals.

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